Volunteer drivers urgently needed

For the past 31 years we have been taking local people to their medical appointments – throughout we have had periods where we have struggled occasionally to find enough volunteer drivers to meet demand. Now is one of those times. We do not need much to make a...
Meet the Manager & Co-ordinator

Meet the Manager & Co-ordinator

From Nick Hindmarsh I was genuinely excited when I saw this appointment advertised in the Chronicle in June last year, and surprised and delighted when I was offered the position. These past eight months have really confirmed that this is the job that I thought it...
Call for Volunteer Drivers

Call for Volunteer Drivers

As always, we are desperate for more volunteers to assist with patient travel to hospital in Totnes, Torbay, Plymouth and Exeter. The main piece in this newsletter about planned health care changes in Dartmouth makes it clear the vital contribution that our volunteer...


Bridge Worker – please watch out for NHS vacancies through the NHS website for Torbay – see below. We currently employ, with the NHS, two Bridge Workers, qualified nurses who “bridge” the gap between hospital discharge and admission and help us...