The Charity

Dartmouth Caring is a team of staff and volunteers who focus on helping people of all ages live as positive a life as they are able.

Based in the town, we reach out to the surrounding villages, including Stoke Fleming, Strete, Blackawton and Dittisham.

Dartmouth Caring offers a range of 20+ services to our community, including:

  • 1:1 support with a range of issues
  • palliative and oncology care,
  • specialist dementia advice,
  • various activity groups
  • patient transport,
  • memory cafes,
  • lunch clubs,
  • signposting of services,
  • benefits and housing advice,
  • shopping, prescription delivery and other similar tasks, 
  • Social Prescribing

Our ‘core’ work is that of offering 1:1 support to any individual who approaches us.  We have other specialist workers supporting those with dementia and palliative work. 

We are receiving increasing requests for support, and for increasingly complex issues. 



his work ranges from signposting to local activities (our own and others’) to reduce isolation, to months of on-going work around Benefits claims, housing issues and poverty, often exacerbated by e.g. a client’s mental health issues, caring role or bereavement.

We work in partnership with Dartmouth Medical Practice, the community health and Social Service teams, and other community groups to provide a range of services to support or community.  Partners we work with include Dartmouth Green Partnerships, The rotary Club of Dartmouth, Action for Children, Dartmouth Youth Group, the Food Bank and the Friday Hub, Dough Bros, AA, and others.

Dartmouth Caring is a “one-stop-shop” for clients’ needs, providing advice, practical help and emotional support through its strong links with the community and the region’s health and social care professionals.

We have a dedicated team of staff that are trained, able and willing to assist with all questions related to state benefits, Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, etc..


Structure, Governance & Management

Dartmouth Caring is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

We are governed by the Constitution, registered with the Charity Commission in January 2020 and operating as a CIO from 1st April 2022  .

Our Charity Registration Number is 1187326.

Our constitution and governance is all laid out on the Charity Commission website –


Dartmouth Caring Team
Dartmouth Caring Fundraising
Dartmouth Caring Fundraising

Small Charity Report 2013

A small charity delivering wellbeing for clients and generating cost savings

This report  is a case study of Dartmouth Caring to illustrate the financial value of a charity and its achievements which ultimately save costs for the public purse and help maintain an effective Sustainable Community Strategy.

The work of the charity has been studied in depth and a monetary value attached to some of the services it provides that are to the financial benefit of the statutory services. The report has been commissioned from an independent freelance consultant to assess and compile facts and figures in conjunction with the charity’s data.


Dartmouth Caring focuses on prevention, early intervention and enablement for people to remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. The charity delivers a wide range of services in close connection with the Medical Practice, the Community Hospital and Social Services and has developed to meets its community’s needs.

The key to its effectiveness is that is provides a one-stop shop for clients to help them address all their needs – health, social care, advice, financial and emotional support etc, and its strong links with the community and the health and social care professionals enable shared outcomes to be achieved that meet the targets of commissioning bodies.


Key Findings


Many other not-for-profit sectors can have the same benefit.


The combined effect of statutory bodies and the volunteer sector has a significant financial impact, this could not be maintained by the statutory groups alone.


Close working partnerships benefit those in need.


Local charities can work very cost effectively with lower costs.


Dartmouth Caring
Dartmouth Health & Wellbeing Centre
Wessex Way

Registered Charity: 1187326

Contact Us

t: 01803 835384
