Sometimes it helps to talk to a friend or a loved one about what’s on your mind.
But there are also times when it can help to talk to a professional counsellor.
Dartmouth Caring offers a free, confidential counselling service for adults.
Our fully trained and experienced professionals will help you talk through difficult issues. These could be specific problems or perhaps you just have a general feeling that something isn’t right.
You may have some difficult choices ahead of you, or perhaps you feel you don’t want to be any trouble to your family. That’s when it can help to someone who is independent and has many of the answers you’re looking for.
Our counsellors are here to help, to listen and support you, ready to offer assistance and advice.
Counselling is provided in a safe, respectful and supportive environment at Dartmouth Health & Wellbeing Centre, Wessex Way, Dartmouth, Devon, TQ6 0JL.
To make an appointment, telephone Dartmouth Caring 01803 835 384
Dartmouth Health & Wellbeing Centre
Dartmouth Caring
Dartmouth Health & Wellbeing Centre
Wessex Way
Registered Charity: 1187326