Dartmouth Caring’s Palliative Care  service provides support and advice to patients with any life limiting illness(es).

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is the holistic care for patients who have a life limiting illness(es), where a cure is not possible.

The focus of care is to maximise a person’s quality of life by addressing the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of patients and their families.

Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of patients and their families who are facing problems associated with life limiting illness, whether those problems are physical, psychological, social, or spiritual.

People can receive palliative care at any point after a life limiting diagnosis, sometimes alongside treatments, therapies and medicines aimed at controlling rather than curing the illness, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Some people receive palliative care for years.

What does palliative care do?

  • Offers support to help people live as actively as possible for as long as possible.
  • Provides support to help the family cope during the person’s illness.
  • Provides a team approach from the GP surgery and sometimes the local hospice to address the needs of people and their families.
  • Helps to manage any symptoms such as pain.
  • Integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of care.
  • Supports people to retain control of their life through help with planning ahead and discussing what matters most to them.
  • Supports people at the end of life.

Planning ahead

There is a lot to consider when planning for the future. This is sometimes called Advanced Care Planning, especially in the context of a long-term illness such as cancer, or if coping with any progressive, life-limiting illness which will shorten your life.

Click on the link below to read more:

Palliative Care & Cancer Liaison Service

Dartmouth Caring’s Palliative Care service provides support and advice to patients with any life limiting illness(es).

This service is funded through the Charity’s own efforts and from donations from charitable bodies, most notably the James Tudor Trust.  Part of the cost has also been borne by Torbay and South Devon’s Wellbeing Programme.

Bereavement Group


The purpose of the Dartmouth Caring Bereavement Group is to offer help to Adults who have been recently bereaved, who may benefit from the support of others in a similar situation.

Our groups – consist of a maximum of 6 people, who meet informally at a set venue once a week for an hour for a period of 6 weeks.

Facilitation – our group is run by our Specialist Palliative care nurse and support worker, who have many years’ experience in bereavement support

Our meetings – are safe, friendly, welcoming, and confidential. We offer a chance to share experiences and feelings, to swap useful information and, above all, to be there for each other.

The aim of our service is:


Maximise patients independence and quality of life through advice and support

Support patients and their families in making decisions and planning future care

Provide support and guidance with financial issues

Provide emotional and psychological support to patients, their families and carers


Refer to other care services such as community Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy

Work closely with Dartmouth Medical Practice and Dartmouth Community nurses to meet your care needs

Accessing the Services


The service can be accessed via your GP, Community nurse or directly via Dartmouth Caring

Our specialist nurse experienced in palliative and cancer care is available to visit you in your own home, nursing or residential home and identify your needs and plan your future care with you and your family.

We now also offer a bereavement group.

Useful Telephone Numbers


Dartmouth Medical Practice: 01803 832212

Dartmouth Clinic: 01803 832845

Community District Nursing Team: 01803 837403

Macmillan: 0808 808 00 00

Rowcroft: 01803 210800

Care Direct Plus: 0345-1551007

Care Line (out of hours): 0345 504 9113

Devon Docs District Nurse Line (out of hours) – 01392 269475

My Devon – Blue Badge 0345 1551007

If you, or anyone you know has similar problems please contact Dartmouth Caring


Dartmouth Caring
Dartmouth Health & Wellbeing Centre
Wessex Way

Registered Charity: 1187326

Contact Us

t: 01803 835384
