13th March 2020
Dartmouth Caring – Corona virus statement
Following the recent outbreak of COVID-19, alongside recent statements in parliament we are taking steps to minimise the risk of exposure to Corona virus to protect both our clients and staff.
The majority of our clients fall into what the government see as high risk groups, groups that are advised to consider increasing their “social distancing”. We are also mindful of the comments made by the Chief Medical Officer, yesterday afternoon, that acting too soon creates its own problems such as social isolation and loneliness.
Our intention is to take a balanced approach and so be able to adapt as the situation changes, which we expect will happen.
In an effort to minimise the risk of exposure to corona virus and other respiratory disease, over the coming weeks we are reducing, not cancelling, our routine “face to face” work, such as completion of benefit forms, support with housing, lunch clubs and memory café, Home Help support and transport.
In many cases these services will continue but will be done on the telephone or delivered in a different manner. For example we will continue to shop for clients but not enter their home, and when lunch club is closed we will provide a meals on wheels service to our most vulnerable clients.
Our volunteer transport service is continuing for now but we expect most appointments at Torbay Hospital and the clinic to be cancelled, reducing the need for the journeys. Guidance has been issued to our volunteer drivers.
In doing this, we reduce contacts with clients, most of whom are in high risk groups, thereby minimising the risk of any transmission. It will enable us to spend a little more time with those clients who are in most need.
You will be contacted personally if you are affected by these measures.
You can call us on 01803-835384 – leave a message if you can’t get through and someone will get back in contact with you.
Or email us at enquiries@dartmouthcaring.co.uk
Thank you for your understanding,
Nick Hindmarsh