Dart Patients
Annual Meeting 6th June 2017
Townstal Community Hall

All patients of the Dartmouth Medical Practice are invited to the Annual Meeting of Dart Patients to be held on 6th June at 6.00 pm at Townstal Community Hall to exchange views on the local provision of health care.

We will discuss:
1. Plans for the new health complex at River View
2. Care for patients at home and end-of-life care
3. Key data on the operations of the Dartmouth Medical Practice
4. Any other non-personal health care issues participants may wish to raise

Patients are represented by the Patients Participation Group, which works with the Dartmouth Medical Practice to improve local health care. The PPG also represents Dartmouth area patients in meetings with local NHS managers to discuss ways to improve the provision of health care. Please come to this meeting to make know your concerns and to elect your representatives for the coming year.

Nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary should be sent to info@dartmouthpatients.org.uk